Lee Bader

Lee Bader

Six Feet Apart
Creator / Actor

LEE BADER is an actor-creator. Born in Israel, Lee got her training both in London and New York and is a graduate of the William Esper Studio. Lee has appeared on television and film, her recent credits include Mable Miller: Female Serial Killer and Sofia. Her writing and producing credits include Shakespeare on the M, a series of Shakespearian monologues performed on the New York City’s Subway, as well as Super Lady, an award-nominated short centered around a male director’s misguided attempt at gender equality. The short was an official selection by the WANDA: Feminism and Moving Image in addition to Grand Rapids Feminist Film Festival.


Lee and Liri Navon have been friends and collaborators for over seven years. Writing, directing, acting, and producing content, but until a few months ago, they hadn’t actually met. Lee was living in New York and Liri in Israel, and the two started chatting online through a creative Facebook group and have not stopped creating since. Their series Interwoven, a dramedy about two women who form a unique bond over a suicide prevention hotline call, was selected as a finalist for Blackpills’ writing competition and chosen as a contender to go into production by their digital company. Lee and Liri finally met in person a couple of months ago, and are already mid-production on a new Bread Break production.